Local info concerning food, projects, emergency info and more...

Important Local Info

Pilates @ Alpine SwiftEnquiries at the Rhodes Info Centre Body Stress Release Enquiries at the Rhodes Info Centre Tenahead SPAPhone: 045 971

Rhodes Info Centre Local meat, chicken, bread, eggs, farm butter, home-made meals, goats milk cheeses, wood, cool drinks, chocolates, snacks, good coffee,

Rhodes Police Station is open 24 hours to assist.Phone: 045 974 9001 Station Commander (Capt. Phokojole)Phone:  082 302 5145 Second in Charge Warrant OfficersPhone:

Please contact Rhodes iNFO Centre for baby sitting requirements. Phone:  045 971 9003Working hours: 8:30 – 17:00Email: contact@rhodesinfo.co.za

The Rhodes Tree project is a neutral project that can: beautify the town create income and fuel unify the community  visually and otherwise sort out

The Woonwa Caravan Park is situated at the entrance to Rhodes, from the Barkly East Side on the cnr of Muller and

Thankshjalot Pubwww.walkerbouts.co.za Tenahead Mountain Lodgewww.riverhotels.com Rubicon Restaurant