Rhodes Stoepsitfees

Rhodes Stoepsitfees

Rhodes Stoepsitfees, 18th & 19th February 2022

Recent times have interrupted the annual Rhodes Stoepsitfees that was established in 2012. The good news is that post-Covid times demand a revival and it will be held again on 18 and 19 February 2022.

The Rhodes Stoepsitfees Passport is an integral part of the event and an updated version forms part of the “Goodie bag” that participants will receive on registration. The Passport is stamped at each of the venues that allows holders to accumulate a record of their “travels” to the venues in Rhodes. Returning to visit the same venue is of course always an option and another stamp in your passport!

The goodie bag will, in addition to the passport, include an event programme complete with a map of the village showing the location of the various participating stoeps. It will also contain a variety of other goodies.

On arrival in Rhodes, Stoepsitters should “clock in” at the Rhodes Info Centre to apply for their passport. Unlike the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), the application process is speedily completed and the passport issued in exchange for an application fee of a mere R150 as opposed to the DHA version that costs a minimum of R400!

Rhodes has seen a veritable explosion in the number of permanent residents as a direct result of the Covid pandemic. Part and parcel of this development is a wider variety of stoeps to visit than was the case previously.

Accordingly, in addition to the commercial village venues, there are several new stoeps to visit ranging from a craft brewery to an asparagus plantation!

A direct spin-off from the last Stoepsitfees that was held in 2018 was the kind donation of 150 rose plants compliments of Ludwig Taschner of Ludwig’s Roses fame. Taschner was the guest speaker who gave a few lectures about roses and their maintenance.

The Senqu Municipality agreed to the use of a centrally located plot of land and the roses were duly planted. Being an experimental exercise, a few of the rose plants succumbed to the harsh winter conditions but by and large, the ongoing TLC of a village resident has resulted in a magnificent display not to be missed.

The Rhodes Stoepsitfees community looks forward to welcoming both returning Stoepsitters as well as new participants.

For enquiries and booking accommodation, contact Margie Murray or Xolelwa Yaleko at the Rhodes Info Centre, tel. 045 971 9003 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or WhatsApp; 082 773 8576