

Crystal Route & Map

Walks on the village common start at the gate next to the sandstone entrance walls en route to Rubicon.

The climb-through at the gate and all of the others are easily identified by the blue PVC pipes used to protect walkers from the creosote on the poles used for the frame-work.    

The Crystal Route is 4,1km in extent and the height difference between the start and the highest point is +-160m. Before embarking on walks, check on the weather as thunder storms can and do occur posing a threat from lightning strikes. Always take sufficient water with you and ensure that you have applied adequate sun protection cream. A wide hat is recommended as are long-sleeved shirts.

After ascending to the gravel pit make a gradual descent by “zig-zagging” down the mountain side. It is a remote area and medical rescue in these parts is a time-consuming process so beware and descend with care. Do not attempt this route on your own.  Be aware of animals.  All hikes at own risk.